Lavendar Mist Gown


Step into a world of enchantment with our Lavender Mist Gown. The lavender hue, paired with a dark purple dip dye hem, creates a mesmerizing ombré effect that will make you feel like a goddess. This flowing and fun gown, available in size 12, is truly one of a kind. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this stunning piece and turn heads at your next special occasion!


Bust 37, Waist 29, Hip 41

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Step into a world of enchantment with our Lavender Mist Gown. The lavender hue, paired with a dark purple dip dye hem, creates a mesmerizing ombré effect that will make you feel like a goddess. This flowing and fun gown, available in size 12, is truly one of a kind. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this stunning piece and turn heads at your next special occasion!


Bust 37, Waist 29, Hip 41

Step into a world of enchantment with our Lavender Mist Gown. The lavender hue, paired with a dark purple dip dye hem, creates a mesmerizing ombré effect that will make you feel like a goddess. This flowing and fun gown, available in size 12, is truly one of a kind. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this stunning piece and turn heads at your next special occasion!


Bust 37, Waist 29, Hip 41

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